Hospital de los inocentes comentario
Museum of the innocents
But this is not the end of the sculptural attractions of the square and surrounding the Hospital of the Innocents, which at the sides and symmetrically arranged has two bronze fountains made by the Mannerist sculptor Pietro Tacca. Both fountains representing sea monsters were conceived to be placed in the port of Livorno, but the Grand Duke Ferdinand II was fascinated by them and decided to install them in their current location.
Only someone of his talent could conceive this façade made of a continuous open arcade with semicircular arches supported by columns. A whole ensemble that conveys harmony, something that is not improvised but completely studied and calculated. From time to time students can be seen taking measurements on this facade. It is the best way to verify that everything is built from the generation of modules.
Hospital de niños abandonados
El Ospedale degli Innocenti (pronunciación italiana: [ospeˈdaːle deʎʎ innoˈtʃɛnti]; ‘Hospital de los Inocentes’, también conocido en el antiguo dialecto toscano como Spedale degli Innocenti, es un edificio histórico de Florencia, Italia. Fue diseñado por Filippo Brunelleschi,[1][2] que recibió el encargo en 1419 del Arte della Seta. Originalmente era un orfanato para niños. Se considera un ejemplo notable de la arquitectura del primer Renacimiento italiano. El hospital, que cuenta con una logia de nueve tramos frente a la Piazza SS. Annunziata, fue construido y gestionado por el «Arte della Seta» o Gremio de la Seda de Florencia[3]. Este gremio era uno de los más ricos de la ciudad y, como la mayoría de los gremios, asumió tareas filantrópicas. En la actualidad, el edificio alberga un pequeño museo de arte renacentista con obras de Luca della Robbia, Sandro Botticelli y Piero di Cosimo, así como una Adoración de los Reyes Magos de Domenico Ghirlandaio[cita requerida].
La fachada está formada por nueve arcos de medio punto que parten de columnas del orden compuesto. Las ventanas semicirculares bajan el edificio a la tierra y son un renacimiento del estilo clásico, ya que no se trata de un arco apuntado. En las enjutas de los arcos hay redondeles de terracota azul vidriada con relieves de bebés diseñados por Andrea della Robbia que sugieren la función del edificio. La horizontalidad se acentúa porque el edificio es más largo que alto. Encima de cada arco de medio punto hay una ventana de tabernáculo (una ventana rectangular con un frontón triangular en la parte superior)[cita requerida].
Glifo de ospedale degli innocenti
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Rebirth. The word itself means rebirth. Revival of Greek and Roman architecture. The Renaissance is considered to begin in the 14th century followed by the Gothic style of architecture. Many reasons contributed to the revival of the Greco-Roman style which is known today as Renaissance architecture.
The invention of the Gutenberg printing press in 1450 was one of the main reasons. Europeans were putting more emphasis on learning to read and write during the early 1400s and were sharing ideas and knowledge of art and culture through newspapers. This was also because the royal family in power – the Medici family, promoted art and artists by giving them both financial and social support. This brought the styles of Greco-Roman art and architecture back to the forefront. In addition, the concept of humanism was gaining more attention in Italy. Humanism promoted the idea that man was the center of his own universe, and people should embrace human achievements in education, classical art, literature and science. This somehow pushed artists to represent their thoughts in a more realistic way by using techniques such as perspective, light and shadow, but mostly infusing emotions to represent realism.