Partido de los trabajadores de españa
democratic junta of spain
On October 20, 1985 it held its first National Assembly, attended by 1700 delegates.[2] It ran in the general elections of June 1986 under the name Mesa para la Unidad de los Comunistas, obtaining 229,695 votes (1.1%).
In the 1987 municipal elections the PTE-UC coalition obtained 185,104 votes and 179 councilors, mainly in Andalusia (104), specifically in the provinces of Granada (59) and Seville (20). In Valencia and Madrid it obtained 19 and 11 councilors respectively, with 2% of the votes. Other significant percentages were obtained in Castellón and Valladolid, with about 3% of the votes. In Vall de Uxó it was the most voted force, winning the mayoralty. In the Provincial Council of Granada it also elected, with 5% of the votes, a deputy.
communist parties in spain
This article examines the experience of the Workers’ Party (PT), both during periods when it acted as an opposition political force and when it was in power, in order to develop a theoretical approach to the use that political actors make of the courts. I argue that the way parties use the courts is the result of their relations with the executive branch, with the institutional architecture of the judiciary and with the strategic evaluation of the different judicial mechanisms available to them.
communist party of the workers of spain
At the III Congress held in Madrid in May 1999, two projects were confronted, and it was agreed to separate the party into two experiences, the majority one, which would keep the name of PRT, and the minority one, which would be called Lucha Internacionalista, both linked to LIT-CI. When LI presented itself in the municipal elections of June 1999 in separate lists, the PRT decided to exclude itself from the party. In 2001 it began a process of rapprochement with Izquierda Revolucionaria (IR), which resulted in the creation of a unified newspaper of the PRT and IR called A luchar por el socialismo, and in the merger of the two organizations into PRT-Izquierda Revolucionaria.
communist party of spain (marxist-leninist)
The North Korean leader had sought to accelerate economic growth and boost electricity supply, but UN agencies reported chronic energy and food shortages
The American journalist Glenn Greenwald published on Sunday a report with fragments of dialogues between Judge Sergio Moro and prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol, suggesting the alteration in phases of the investigation process.
The origin of this decision lies in the dissemination on Thursday of a recording in which the president allegedly authorized a payment to the former president of the Chamber of Deputies Eduardo Cunha, so that he would not testify in a corruption case.
The North Korean leader has personally chosen 30 candidates. The requirements were: to have studied at Kim Il-sung University in Pyongyang, to be at least 1.78 meters tall, to have a good appearance and to have served in the Army.