Inss vida laboral certificado digital

Inss vida laboral certificado digital

Tax agency

The different screens will allow you to select and fill in the data depending on the options you choose. To finalize the application, the data entered will be displayed for you to confirm.

If the data entered in the application are correct, after clicking on «Confirm» the informative message «Operation successful» will appear, and you will be given the option to view the proof of registration in PDF format.

Once you have been registered with the Social Security, if necessary, you can apply for a TIE (in case you are a non-EU citizen) or the certificate of registration of citizens of the Union.

To find out the procedure related to obtaining the EIT or the certificate of registration of citizens of the Union, access the information on the procedures where all the details on how to obtain them are described.

You must access the simplified application form, fill it in personally and download it (TA0521.1). There are different versions of the form depending on your self-employed profile.

Sede españa

Por ejemplo, es posible darse de alta como autónomo, presentar sus declaraciones trimestrales/anuales de la renta, o realizar trámites relacionados con su permiso de residencia, todo ello por Internet sin salir de casa.

Le ahorrará mucho tiempo y le facilitará muchos trámites administrativos. Si quieres evitar perder una mañana entera porque tienes que pedir una cita, hacer cola, esperar y esperar… (y todos sabemos lo lenta que puede ser la administración española). Necesitas un certificado digital.

La forma tradicional de formalizar cualquier tipo de trámite oficial es sencilla. Vas a la oficina correspondiente, rellenas el documento específico y lo firmas, y después el funcionario te pide el DNI o el pasaporte para verificar tu identidad.

Sólo en el caso de que seas administrador de una empresa marcarás una de las opciones del «certificado de representante». Sin embargo, en este caso, también necesitarás el certificado anterior, por lo que el proceso siempre se inicia con el certificado de persona física.

Digital certificate

If you need to apply for a Social Security pension or benefit, such as retirement or childbirth and childcare benefits; download your employment record; register a domestic employee; request a certificate; process a registration, cancellation or modification of affiliation data or carry out procedures related to contributions, etc., the Social Security has enabled various channels for carrying out these procedures without the need for a digital certificate or Cl@ve.

In this information we detail the different channels to carry out these procedures and the necessary ways to identify yourself in them and be able to complete them comfortably from your computer or mobile device.

In this portal, any citizen who has previously communicated their telephone number to the entity can identify themselves via SMS to access their personal area and all the services and procedures offered (which are also accessible through identification with a digital certificate or Cl@ve).

This identification method is very similar to the ones we use when paying for online purchases or identifying ourselves in certain online services. First we must select this identification method and fill in the following data:

Spanish work life

The work life report is the official document issued by the General Treasury of the Social Security in which our work activity is recorded. In essence, the periods in which a person has been contributing to the Social Security System, whether as an employee or self-employed.

The employment record, which contains the dates of registration and cancellation of an activity, as well as the companies we have worked for, the professional activities we have carried out as independent workers or the time we have been contributing in total, will be necessary on many occasions and it is important to know how we can easily obtain it online.

To request our work life report and download it through the Internet, we must go to the new portal of the Social Security General Treasury, Import@ss and access the section Work life and reports.

Once in this new page, we will have to access the procedure Report of your working life by clicking on it. You can access your request by clicking on the Request report button or, if you are requesting it for another person, click on Request as proxy. You will then be shown the five ways to access the procedure: with Cl@ve Permanente, Cl@ve PIN, digital certificate or via SMS.