Autor mortadelo y filemon

Mortadelo y filemón 35th anniversary

Between 1965 and 1970 a series of animated short films about Mortadelo y Filemón were made, produced by the Vara Studios.[16] Although the animators’ intention was to create a television series, they did not have the capacity to make as many episodes as the medium demanded, so the 16 short films that were created were divided into two movies[17] (see Cinema section), each short film has an approximate duration of 6 minutes. They are independent and original, as they are not based on any comic strip that has appeared so far.

The comics have also been taken to the cinema with real characters in La gran aventura de Mortadelo y Filemón, released in 2003, directed by Javier Fesser and starring Benito Pocino in the role of Mortadelo and Pepe Viyuela in the role of Filemón.[20] His second film, Mortadelo y Filemón, was released in 2003.

His second film, Mortadelo y Filemón. Misión: Salvar la Tierra, was released in 2008 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the characters. Pepe Viyuela repeats as Filemón, but Mortadelo this time was played by Eduard Soto (known for the character of El Neng de Castefa) due to disagreements with the actor who had previously played the character, Benito Pocino.[21] The film’s second film, Mortadelo y Filemón, was released in 2008 as a commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the characters.

Mort and phil comics español

The first long story is El sulfato atómico (Gran Pulgarcito, 27-01-1969 to 30-06-1969). In this comic, the drawing style is unusually detailed, with clear influences of the Franco-Belgian school, especially Franquin. This style was relaxed, returning to the usual sober line in the following adventures of 1969.

Another difference is that the stories now have references to the present day, which would give reason to call the first adventures classics, whose stories are more timeless. In addition, the use of scatological and repeated gags from other albums increases, including some apocryphal ones. It should be noted that adventures made by other authors are called «apocryphal».

Mortadelo y filemón español

The crisis has reached the T.I.A., like everywhere else, and the organization is forced to reduce staff salaries. This will especially affect the most clumsy agents on the planet, Mortadelo and Filemón, who already had a salary so tight that it will become ridiculous. Because of this, our favorite agents will be forced to find the most incredible jobs to make ends meet. DESCRIPTIONThe organization is forced to reduce staff salaries. This will affect the most awkward agents on the planet, Mortadelo and Filemon, who already had such a tight salary that it becomes ridiculous. Because of this, our favorite agents will be forced to look into ridiculous jobs to reach the end of the month.

Mortadelo y filemón película completa

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La serie utiliza con frecuencia el humor slapstick, por el que los personajes sufren constantemente percances, como caídas de altura, explosiones y aplastamiento por objetos pesados. Gracias a la física de los dibujos animados, los efectos rara vez duran más de un panel.

Mort y Phil son un par de idiotas, y no importa el tipo de misión que se les asigne, siempre se las arreglan para equivocarse. Los resultados son casi siempre extremadamente violentos, y la mayoría de las veces dirigidos a Phil. En la T.I.A. (tía, una parodia de la CIA), que lucha contra «organizaciones enemigas» como R.A.N.A. («rana») o A.B.U.E.L.A. («abuela»), se relacionan con su jefe, el malhumorado superintendente Vicente; con el profesor Bacterio, un científico desastroso de barba negra que parodia al Q de James Bond; y con la gorda y rubia secretaria Ofelia, parodia de Moneypenny, cuyos intentos de seducir a Mort o Phil siempre fracasan.