Generalitat de catalunya departament de treball
Inspección de trabajo
El conseller de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies, Chakir el Homrani, y la alcaldesa de Vic, Anna Erra, firmaron un protocolo de colaboración para la futura ubicación en la capital de Osona de su territorial del Departamento en la Catalunya Central.
Aloy ha explicado que de esta forma se sigue «el pleno de ruta previsto» del despliegue territorial de los departamentos de la Generalitat y que se hace «dejando clara la apuesta de la Generalitat por la capitalidad de Manresa».
Durante el acto de firma en el Ayuntamiento de Vic, el conseller explicó que «si hay un Departamento que no se siente la colaboración con las administraciones locales es el de Trabajo, Asuntos Sociales y Familias. Hay que tener muy claro el principio de subsidiariedad, el principio de arrelación y el principio de capilaridad al territorio».
Idcat mòbil
The seminar, focused on the analysis of trade relations between the two countries and their investment opportunities, addresses the framework that regulates in the European Union the safety of industrial products from China and barriers to trade.
We welcome the decision of the Government of the Generalitat to allocate resources for research in the disciplinary field of architecture and urban planning, although the timing of this decision may come as a surprise.
Celebramos que o Governo da Generalitat decida destinar recursos para a pesquisa no campo disciplinar da arquitetura e do urbanismo, mesmo que possa surpreender o momento no qual isso se materializa, uma
Appointment generalitat de catalunya
The reduction of school libraries is linked to a budget issue. Librarians explain that they have found schools that spend less than 400 euros per year and some that do not even spend a single euro. The money comes from the budget of each center and, in some cases, from the AFA and the city councils. In Girona, for example, the city council dedicates almost 50,000 euros in direct subsidies to the schools to buy funds and equipment every year. «We have achieved that all schools have a school library and a person in charge with at least one hour a week of dedication,» says Dolors Madeo, coordinator of the Girona City Council’s school library program.