Programa electoral ciudadanos andalucia pdf

Programa electoral ciudadanos andalucia pdf

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Ciudadanos (español: Ciudadanos [θjuðaˈðanos] escuchar (help-info); catalán: Ciutadans [siwtəˈðans]; euskera: Hiritarrak; gallego: Cidadáns; abreviado como Cs-C’s hasta enero de 2017), oficialmente Ciudadanos-Partido de la Ciudadanía,[14] es un partido político liberal[14][15][16][17][18] de España.

Fundado en Cataluña en 2006, el partido obtuvo el 25,4% de los votos y 36 diputados en las elecciones autonómicas catalanas de diciembre de 2017, lo que le convirtió en el mayor partido individual del Parlamento de Cataluña. Sin embargo, nunca ha tomado el poder, por lo que su postura política real sigue siendo una fuente de debate entre partidarios y adversarios, más allá de una fuerte oposición al nacionalismo catalán[19][20][21] y al movimiento independentista catalán. El partido utilizó la frase «Cataluña es mi patria, España es mi país y Europa es nuestro futuro» para esbozar la ideología que el partido autodefine como postnacionalista[22][23] A pesar de ello, diversas fuentes han considerado que profesa una ideología populista nacionalista española[24][25][26] El partido también ha sido descrito como populista,[27][28] conservador-liberal[29] y partidario de la integración con la Unión Europea[30].

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Last March 22, 2015, Ciudadanos burst with force into Andalusian politics achieving a historic result the first time we were running in an election in Andalusia: nine deputies and the trust of nearly 370,000 Andalusians. That night in March, Andalusian politics took a transcendental turn, placing Cs in a decisive position.

Democratic regeneration, economic reactivation and the welfare state have been the three main pillars of the reforms that Ciudadanos has demanded and defended from the Andalusian Parliament after decades of clientelism, corruption and mismanagement.

While others ask for chairs, politicians and positions, we have demanded improvements for the lives of all Andalusians. In just one legislature, Ciudadanos has achieved changes that had never before been addressed by the bipartisanship.

Thanks to the work developed day by day in the Parliament, today we can present ourselves before the Andalusians with a service record that makes us feel very proud of all the improvements we have achieved from the opposition:

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4. We will approve a Project of reform of the Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia for the suppression of the privileges of the President of the Junta de Andalucía, of the members of the Council of Government and of the members of the Parliament of Andalusia in the terms that are currently regulated in order to put an end to such privileges and privileges.

5. We will initiate the procedures for the approval of a Draft Andalusian Law for the Protection of Fraud and Corruption Whistleblowers, which will include the protection and protection of the rights of all persons who denounce possible irregularities and fraudulent and corrupt actions by persons in the service of the Andalusian Regional Government. It will include the creation of an Andalusian Office for the Fight against Fraud and Corruption aimed at preventing, detecting, detecting and preventing fraud and corruption.

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This autonomist ideal has its roots in our contemporary history. The first text that embodies the political will for Andalusia to be constituted as a political entity with the capacity for self-government is the Andalusian Federal Constitution, drafted in Antequera in 1883. In the Ronda Assembly of 1918, the Andalusian flag and coat of arms were approved.

All this wealth of efforts, of which the Statute of Autonomy ratified by the Andalusian people on 20 October 1981 has been a fundamental tool, allows us today to tackle the construction of a new project that values and takes advantage of all the current potential of Andalusia.

In short, it is a matter of achieving a Statute for the 21st century, a legal instrument that promotes welfare, equality and social justice, within the framework of cohesion and solidarity established by the Constitution.

Therefore, and as an expression of their collective will politically represented through the Parliament, the Andalusian people ratify the present Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia, as a renewal of the commitment expressed on February 28, 1980.