Ivan espinosa delos monteros wikipedia
iván espinosa de los monteros cuba
A member of the Vox political party since its foundation in 2013, he held the position of General Secretary of the Provisional Organizing Committee before the celebration of the first congress of the party. He then became the party’s General Secretary until October 2016, when he became the Deputy Secretary for International Relations. He was part of the party’s electoral list in the 2014 European elections, headed by Vidal-Quadras, which did not achieve representation. It occupies the third position in the electoral list for Madrid of its formation for the Congress of Deputies for the general elections of 2019.
In April 2019, the digital newspaper reported that a judge in Madrid ordered a company, of which Espinosa was the administrator, to pay part of a debt it had contracted with a construction company it was to hire to carry out works on a house in Madrid and about which there were discrepancies, Espinosa having paid part of the necessary repairs, the amount of which the judge deducted from the amount claimed. The award was ratified by the Provincial Court of Madrid. In September 2018, a 1st Instance Court of Madrid ordered Espinosa to pay such amount (€57,038), since his company declared a bankruptcy proceeding. [no references].
ivan espinosa de los monteros instagram
Como miembro destacado del partido político español de derechas Vox, Espinosa es portavoz del Grupo Parlamentario de Vox en el Congreso. Dentro de Vox, es vicesecretario de Relaciones Internacionales.
Espinosa nació en la ciudad de Madrid en 1971. Es uno de los cinco hijos del ejecutivo Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros y Bernaldo de Quirós, 4º marqués de Valtierra, y de su esposa, María Eugenia de Simón y Vallarino. Espinosa estudió Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales en el Instituto Católico de Administración y Dirección de Empresas y obtuvo un MBA en la Kellogg School of Management[1].
En 2001 se casó con Rocío Monasterio, arquitecta hispano-cubana, con la que tiene cuatro hijos[2]. La pareja ha trabajado en ocasiones juntos en el sector de la construcción, comprando espacios sin uso para convertirlos en viviendas de lujo diseñadas por Monasterio. Espinosa también ha trabajado en empresas de consultoría, gestión e inversión[3].
Vinculado al partido político Vox desde su fundación en 2013, ocupó el cargo de Secretario General de la Comisión Organizadora Provisional antes de la celebración del primer congreso del partido. En dicho congreso, fue elegido Secretario General del partido hasta octubre de 2016, cuando asumió como Vicesecretario de Relaciones Internacionales. Formó parte de la lista electoral de Vox en las elecciones europeas de 2014 en España, encabezada por el ex vicepresidente primero del Parlamento Europeo Vidal-Quadras. Vox no obtuvo representación[4] También optó a un escaño de senador en representación de Madrid en las elecciones generales de 2015 y 2016, no consiguiendo ser miembro de la Cámara Alta tras obtener, respectivamente, 27.222 y 20.373 votos, muy por debajo de los 725.719 y 720.901 votos obtenidos por el último senador elegido en cada elección[5][6].
iván espinosa de los monteros hijos
In 2002 she started her career on her own account creating the architecture and interior design studio «Rocío Monasterio y Asociados», dedicated to housing projects, premises and offices.[16] She has also worked as an assistant professor of Architectural Projects at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid and in various architecture studios.[17] In addition to her activity in Vox, she was the founder of the Plataforma por Libertades, an entity dedicated to «combat gender ideology», and of the Foro Generación del 78, the Foro Generación del 78, an entity dedicated to «combat gender ideology».
In addition to her activity in Vox, she was founder of Plataforma por las Libertades, an entity dedicated to «combat gender ideology», and of Foro Generación del 78, an association for debate on political, economic, cultural and international issues composed of young professionals.[30]
In December 2016 he signed a manifesto which, among other points, lamented the ban on sexual reorientation therapies for homosexuals.[42] In June 2019 he denied having spoken of therapies.[43] In June 2019 he denied having spoken of therapies.
espinosa de los monteros surname
His early studies took place at the Chamberí School of the Marist Brothers in Madrid, on Eduardo Dato Street, formerly Paseo del Cisne, very close to the family home. He graduated in Law in 1965 and in Business Administration in 1966 at ICADE. Between 1966 and 1967 he obtained a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) at Northwestern University in Chicago. Subsequently, in 1969, he was admitted by competitive examination to the Cuerpo Superior de Técnicos Comerciales y Economistas del Estado (Senior Corps of Commercial Technicians and Economists of the State)[3].
He married María Eugenia de Simón y Vallarino, with whom he has had five children, among them Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, deputy secretary of International Relations of Vox since 2016.
Between September 2005 and June 2012 he was non-executive vice-chairman of the Inditex group.[6] He was appointed director of the group in May 1997 and re-elected at the General Shareholders’ Meetings of July 20, 2000, July 16, 2004, July 14, 2009 and July 15, 2014. He holds 150,000 shares in the company.[7] He is the owner of 150,000 shares of the company.