Esoreria general de la seguridad social vida laboral

Esoreria general de la seguridad social vida laboral


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Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia (Sala Segunda) de 20 de enero de 2005. # Rosa García Blanco contra Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (INSS) y Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social (TGSS). # Petición de decisión prejudicial: Juzgado de lo Social nº 3 de Orense – España. # Seguridad social de los trabajadores migrantes – Vejez – Desempleo – Períodos mínimos de seguro – Períodos de seguro tenidos en cuenta para el cálculo de la cuantía de las prestaciones pero no para adquirir el derecho a las mismas – Períodos de desempleo – Agregación. # Asunto C-225/02.

Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia (Sala Segunda) de 20 de enero de 2005. Rosa García Blanco contra Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (INSS) y Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social (TGSS). Petición de decisión prejudicial: Juzgado de lo Social nº 3 de Orense – España. Seguridad social de los trabajadores migrantes – Vejez – Desempleo – Períodos mínimos de seguro – Períodos de seguro tenidos en cuenta para el cálculo de la cuantía de las prestaciones pero no para adquirir el derecho a las mismas – Períodos de desempleo – Agregación. Asunto C-225/02.

social security spain employer

The Social Security offers you its telephone lines through which you can receive information and carry out different procedures without the need to travel and with the commitment of: Not to leave you without response, to provide the information and data requested within minimum deadlines and confidentiality.

If the data provided by the citizen does not coincide with the existing data in our databases, we will send you a form (to be stamped at destination) in which you can easily update the data so that once we are sure of your identity we can send you the requested information.

my social security

The Social Security offers you its telephone lines through which you can receive information and carry out different procedures without the need to travel and with the commitment of: Not to leave you without response, provide the information and data requested in minimum time and confidentiality.

If the data provided by the citizen does not coincide with the existing data in our databases, we will send you a form (to be stamped at destination) in which you can easily update the data so that once we are sure of your identity we can send you the requested information.

social security uk

The Minimum Vital Income is a benefit aimed at preventing the risk of poverty and social exclusion of people who live alone or are integrated in a cohabitation unit and lack basic economic resources to cover their basic needs.

It is configured as a subjective right to an economic benefit, which is part of the protective action of Social Security, and guarantees a minimum level of income to those who are in a situation of economic vulnerability.    It seeks to guarantee a real improvement in the opportunities for social and labor inclusion of the beneficiaries.