Declaraciones cayetana alvarez de toledo
vino álvarez de toledo
Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo y Peralta-Ramos, 14ª Marquesa de Casa Fuerte, diputada (nacida el 15 de octubre de 1974 en Madrid) es una periodista, historiadora y política española del Partido Popular. Es diputada en el Congreso de los Diputados desde el 21 de mayo de 2019 por Barcelona y fue portavoz de su partido en el Congreso hasta el 21 de agosto de 2020. Es de ascendencia franco-argentina.
Fue diputada en el Congreso por la circunscripción de Madrid en las IX y X Legislaturas de las Cortes Generales. Es la actual directora de Relaciones Internacionales de FAES[1]. Desde su regreso al periodismo escribe en el diario El Mundo.
Álvarez de Toledo nació en Madrid de padre francés y madre argentina. Es hija de Juan Illán Álvarez de Toledo y Giraud, duodécimo marqués de Casa Fuerte, que luchó en la resistencia francesa durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial,[2] y de Patricia Peralta-Ramos y Madero. Es ciudadana argentina, francesa y española[3].
En 2006 fue nombrada Jefa de Gabinete del líder del Partido Popular (PP), Ángel Acebes, con la misión de asesorar a Acebes en materia de estrategia política, gestionar su agenda y coordinar sus intervenciones en el Parlamento[5].
cayetana álvarez de toledo twitter
The book goes on sale this week and in the promotion of the book some clear details of the opinion that Álvarez de Toledo has about the top leaders of the PP have already been made clear. De García Egea considers that he is bullying. An interview published by El Mundo this Sunday gave a good account of it and it has been one of the most commented topics in the press conference of the direction of the PP this Monday. The official slogan of Genoa is to ignore his attacks and provocations as much as possible.
Politicamente Indeseable gathers all these questions and the experiences of Alvarez de Toledo in more than 500 pages. The book closes with a literal transcription of his commented intervention in Congress in May 2020. In an interpellation to the then Vice President of the Government, Pablo Iglesias, she called her father a «terrorist». The PP deputy has always flagged that fact as a «political achievement». And it was also one of the points of friction between her and Genova.
The days prior to the meeting at the Wellington, Alvarez de Toledo had exposed certain logistical needs of the parliamentary group. «Teodoro was not in favor of helping us (…) In his bulldozer strategy, he even suggested that the Parliamentary Advisory Office should move to Genoa, I deduce that it was at his service», she writes.
cayetana elite
The publication of Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo’s new book, Politicamente indeseable, has once again stirred the internal waters in the Partido Popular (PP). The direct criticisms of the former spokeswoman of the Popular Party to Pablo Casado and especially to Teodoro García Egea have stung the party. It is still not clear if the deputy will be sanctioned in any way or if they will try to ignore her opinions so as not to give her more wings. In the book, beyond the interesting chapters on the internal life of the PP, the book also deals extensively with a resounding episode that took place in Congress. On May 27, 2020, Alvarez de Toledo called «terrorist» the father of the then Vice President Pablo Iglesias. The former spokeswoman of the Popular Party had planned it in a calculated way.
After his words, Iglesias himself announced that his father, Francisco Javier Iglesias, would go to court. And so it was. The announcement of the lawsuit for «unlawful interference with the right to honor» came shortly after. The PP deputy was asked for a compensation of 18,000 euros. The matter is still to be resolved in a court in Zamora.
cayetana meaning
The PP deputy and former spokesperson of the party in Congress Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo has affirmed that she voted blank in the election for the new judges of the Constitutional Court because the «distribution of stickers» seems to her a «desolating spectacle» and «counterproductive for the PP» because it is self-impeaching.
Finally, the Congress approved this Thursday the appointment of Espejel and Arnaldo -as well as that of the magistrates proposed by the socialist party- with the majority vote of the PSOE and Unidas Podemos, as well as the PP and Foro. In fact, the president of the parliamentary group of Unidas Podemos, Jaume Asens, acknowledged that he would vote in favor «with a clamp on the nose». Equally critical was the Socialist deputy Odón Elorza, who voted against the discipline of his party and criticized the suitability of Arnaldo. In total, there were eleven votes less than expected in a vote that was secret.
Who was a person of confidence of Pablo Casado, has assured that currently «undesirable» policies and maneuvers are being repeated with Diaz Ayuso that she also lived and has cited some «labels» or «expressions» that are reproduced in the case of the president of the Community. «This one goes on her own, she is a verso suelo, she does not abide by authority». «These are regrettable labels that are applied to the normal exercise of personality within a political party. It is submission through a testosteronic action, and sterile in the end, which is causing internal devastation,» so he does not believe that this way of governing the PP is good for the party.