Calle gran via 32 madrid

Calle gran via 32 madrid

galleries treasured history

If we ask ourselves what are the essential places to visit in Madrid? There is no doubt that one of the most important is La Gran Via, and if we ask ourselves again and inside the Gran Via? Well, most probably the most named is the building at number 32 or as everyone knows it, Primark Gran Vía.

Our first proposal was to transform the use of the 1st floor from office to commercial, with the difficulty that this implied due to the limits of the urban planning regulations regarding the maximum commercial area in the building, and because all the commercial area on the first floor was already leased, so we could only plan the expansion of some of these.

After Primark Gran Vía 32, the concept of a large shopping area in the center of a large city, and of course Gran Vía street, have returned to what they were. This project has returned the original splendor and avant-garde to Madrid’s Gran Vía street.

el ave fénix

La estructura fue construida originalmente como los primeros grandes almacenes de Madrid, los Almacenes Madrid-París. La Societé d’Etudes et de Constructions («Sociedad de Estudios y Construcciones») fue la encargada de llevar a cabo los planes de Anasagasti. Las obras comenzaron en 1921 y culminaron, con más de seis meses de retraso, en enero de 1924, cuando los reyes Victoria Eugenia y Alfonso XIII inauguraron los Grandes Almacenes Madrid-París. En 1934 sufrió la primera remodelación, pero mantuvo su aspecto exterior. En 1956 el arquitecto Fernando Cánovas del Castillo realizó la transformación más profunda al levantar dos nuevas plantas y eliminar las cúpulas laterales, y coronó el edificio con la escultura del ave fénix.

El edificio es vanguardista en su concepción, en su diseño, en los materiales y en su uso. En los años 20, los edificios de la Gran Vía se construyeron a la manera clásica (es decir, con muros de carga de ladrillo y pilares metálicos no fundidos) y también otros con tecnología moderna, como el de Gran Vía 32, que se levantó con hormigón armado y siguiendo los principios procedentes de Francia para este tipo de construcciones para grandes almacenes. La distribución interior pivotaba en torno a un gran pozo de luz central, de forma octogonal, que se elevaba desde la planta baja hasta la cuarta. La zona de ventas ocupaba las tres primeras plantas, la planta baja y parte del sótano. La entrada del público se organizaba a través de dos grandes puertas situadas en los chaflanes de la Gran Vía y una central más pequeña, protegida por arcadas.

prisamedia company

In the skies of Madrid, there are about thirty sculptures that dominate the buildings. They silently watch over us as we come and go. Let’s look up to learn more about four that guard the Gran Via: The Roman, The Goddess Hunter and the two Phoenix Birds.

It is a muscular man covered with a white cloak with checkered trimmings, which holds with his hands on his head a temple, made of bronze, allegory of work and savings that crowns the old «Social House of the Banco Hispano de Edificación».

The sculpture of the Union and the Phoenix, is located on the building of the Society of the same name, located in Gran Vía 68, by the architect José María Díaz Plaja Tobía, whose works began in 1944 and finished in 1947.

The location of the building is of great urban importance and visually significant, since its chamfer is curved. In its origins its crowning was based on a tower, in its three-story chamfer with a crown of pairs of pilasters and other classical decorative elements.

edificio carrión madrid

I have mixed feelings with Primark, on the one hand I love to have a place in the center of Madrid where you can buy emergency items, see some shoes for a meeting that you know you will not wear EVER again and thanks to the Irish brand come to cost 14 euros instead of 49, but on the other hand I have never been a lover of large firms, both for their treatment of the worker as their way / way of making their clothes. And under this difficult situation we find one of the biggest Primark in the world, quite nice, quite messy and quite crowded at any time of the day, any day of the week. The prices are cheap, it tends to be less messy and dirty than other Primark I’ve been in and the staff are VERY friendly, I recommend you to come with a map or a snack, in case you get lost!

Well yes I can’t resist going shopping in this place for me is totally new I didn’t know this brand and I wanted to see why there was always such a line, is it because they give things away? JajajajFui with two friends the truth by necessity because they told me that the prices were cheap and you could get many things that elsewhere is more expensive. I don’t know if the quality is good because I will have to try it, but as a compulsive shopper I ended up buying some unnecessary but very nice things. A very large space the truth is impossible to see everything in one day you have to go calmly and if you have eagerness better not go.I got home stuff at very good prices a large quilt bed and two pillows.They have clothes with very nice Christmas motifs 🙂